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My Favorite List....

This entry is just for fun - I can't explain properly in writing how several theories are connected to explain my main variable so I want to write something on what I like and what I don't like. Some of it are listed on the right hand site of this blog, but again, it's my blog so it's up to me if I want to repeat whatever I like ;oD

I like shopping or "window shopping". It was once when someone I don't like called me "shopping list" - she saw us bought a lot of kitchenware (I bought Corelle on Boxing Day @ DFO, Brisbane) and suddenly a couple of days later when she met me & I was using my hs to recharge/reload the phone prepaid, she said "panjangnya shopping list" and I turned back at her and said "nie coupon recharge hs la" and I knew that my face is changing immediately and people who know me will know that it is a negative sign. My bad habit is, my face can't lie. Kalau tak suka sesuatu, it will show immediately. Tengah try nak berubah tapi susah sikit la....

Berbalik pada cerita shopping @ window shopping, this activity makes me happy & relaxed. Tak tension except for if I do over spending on some unnecessary things, masa tue la baru tension....Favorite shops or outlets: Memory Lane, Lovely Lace, S&J, Living Cabin, Popular, MPH, Borders....mostly kedai buku & kedai cenderamata la....bukan beli apa-apapun, tengok jer yang lebih ;oD

Currently memang suka masuk book shop, right now I'm searching for Imogen Edwards-Jones novel "The Stork Club". Tadi cari kat Borders Queensbay pun takde. I've got every novels yg ada perkataan Babylon - Hotel Babylon, Air Babylon, Fashion Babylon & Beach Babylon from the same author. Kind of love Borders shop since it has huge collections of novels, books etc. First time masuk shop tue today....Well, I'll continue my search on "The Stork Club" at KL....

What else? I love wrappers (pembalut hadiah) especially yang comel and fancy....I love to look at shoes & handbags. I'm a fussy person - I'll buy something I like or something that I aimed for, sometimes because of the brand itself. I go for Levi's frame (for my specs) although it is quite expensive. I like Scholl for my sandals (I love my Talina supersoft by Diana Ferrari - bought it at DFO Brisbane last year). Currently I'm using my Carlo Rino handbag & wallet (the quality is not so good la - thinking of buying a new one when I have the money but my mum said use this one until I finish off my study)....I prefer Pierre Cardin for my handbags & shoes (the cream handbag that I bought last year is still in good condition).

I love brooches - bought it at Avon and the brooches from Korea - because of its quality. Those brooches will last longer....

Drinks....I'm addicted to "teh ais" & coffee but currently I'm avoiding coffee for some reason. I missed EasyWay large blueberry milk tea with pearl....Food....I love spaghetti, a weird kind of spaghetti meal - spaghetti with soy sauce, boiled egg, "cili kecik" and tomato slices. I love pineapple jam tarts. I'm not too picky on foods & drinks but please - no budu or cencalok, no ikan air tawar, I don't prefer Milo (hot or cold)....One more thing, I cannot eat beef, lambs....Got this from my dad (just two of us - boleh kena migrain @ angin satu badan)....Favorite McD meals: Bubur Ayam McD la....

Apa lagi yer....Boleh sampai esok nie cerita apa yang I suka & apa yang I tak suka, panjang sangat listnya....I have to stop it here, need to cook for dinner. Menu for tonight: Nasi Ayam Special (special sebab I'm the one yang prepare nasi ayam tue ;oD)....Till we meet again, tada....

P/s: Nak share photos masa kat Langkawi tapi masih belum ada kesempatan nak upload. Ada masa nanti key, termasuk gambar2 masa my sis's engagement....


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