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Still @ Langkawi....Dah beberapa hari tak online, nervous nak present paper. Padahal sampai sudah tak prepare apa sangat pun....Attended conference for 3 days and now it's time for us to ronda-ronda pulau Mahsuri....Presentation? Well, not too bad la (but I'm always thinking that I'm the worst presenter). Got no question for me - it means either orang faham apa yang I present atau sebenarnya diorang langsung tak faham apa yang I merapu kat depan tue, hahaha....Still, I need to improve my presentation skills. Nervous sangat - pastu bila dah nervous tendency cakap laju-laju + pronunciation tunggang terbalik (lidah terbelit cakap omputih nie)....Apa yang best biler attend conference or seminar nie ialah kita akan kenal ramai orang. Networking process and this is very important to everyone, tak kira la academician ker, entrepreneur ker, student pun sama....

Aktiviti kat Langkawi? Timetable for this conference was too tight - nak curi masa sangat pun susah. I plak memang jenis yang tak suka ponteng any session - fully utilized the fees paid my supervisor (guna duit geran la)....Sian my other half - duduk dalam bilik jer sampai habis session baru kami keluar jalan-jalan kat area berdekatan....Shopping? Ada la sikit-sikit (tapi habis banyak gak, kenapa yer?)....Conference habis tengah hari tadi. After lunch baru kami check-out hotel. My hubby pi sewa kereta and we headed to the motel @ Pantai Chenang for tonight. Lepas check-in and solat, kami pun keluar merayap. Since kami dah pernah naik Cable Car and takkan naik sekali lagi (ngeri + gayat), we went to Telaga Tujuh. Sebelum sampai Langkawi, I said to my other half that whatever it is, kita kena jugak sampai kat Telaga Tujuh tue....So biler dah sampai sana, half-way naik tangga I told him - tak larat dah. Jom pi tengok the waterfall jer la. Penat giler, sakit satu badan. Nie memang kes dah tak fit nie, huhuhu....Waterfall pun tak berapa menarik biler kemarau, air tak banyak (dah lama tak hujan kot). The most funny part was when my hubby said to me, "Ini bukan Telaga Tujuh, ini Telaga Tiga Suku". Punca: sama-sama tak larat nak continue memanjat, so tujuh dah tinggal tiga suku la ;oD Masih terasa penatnya....

Esok? Plan to go Island Hopping. Tadi dah book, agent kata RM40 per person. Pastu bila dah sampai Pantai Chenang, sakit jer hati tengok ada yang advertise RM29...Padahal sama jer tempat yang nak dilawati. Pastu my hubby kata, jom la survey lagi. Mesti ada yang offer RM10 jer (dia sebenarnya nak bagitau, cukup-cukup la survey, susah betul bini dia nie nak puas hati). Of course la as consumer, the cheaper the better if we are going to received the same product/service. However, nasib baik la tak buat booking online - RM65. Hope that everything goes as what we want. Kena tunaikan permintaan MIL esok, hehehe....

Husband and wife - both tengah online. Surprisingly - this motel bagus la bagi access wireless internet. Apa lagi, guna la ;oD Photos - credit to my other half....


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