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7 January 2009....

The day before that, I got fever. Kesian kat Balqis Humayrah, mak ngah dia tak dapat tolong banyak sangat masa majlis aqiqahnya. Tetiba rasa tak larat sangat.

7 January 2009 (kumpulan Gigi dari Indonesia ada lagu tajuk "11 Januari"), we went to Hospital Kulim for the scheduled appointment. This time, I was lucky that Dr. Goh attended my case (he is one of the specialist - it is not easy to get the opportunity to have a consultation with him). He asked me: Macam mana? I told him that there was no heart beat. He asked me who said that? Finally, he confirmed that there was no heart activity although the baby is already in 10 weeks. He said: Nak buat macam mana, belum ada rezeki lagi kali ini. Cuba lagi. He asked me to be admitted immediately (I'm ready that time, I brought everything that I need to be admitted again to Ward 10)....

Some of the nurses in Ward 10 recognized me, because I was admitted to the same ward (different bed) last October. They said: Takpe, next time. Awak muda lagi, banyak masa lagi....Cuba lagi, bukan rezeki awak kali nie....Doctor pun tak sangka that I got pregnant dalam jangka masa terdekat, tanpa melalui proses IUI. Kami pun tak sangka boleh pregnant, sebab selama 3 tahun setengah tak pernah sekali pun lekat. Alhamdulillah, diberi kesempatan selama 10 weeks untuk merasai kehadirannya....

Masuk wad, terus kena puasa sebab nak buat D&C petang tue jugak. Walaupun the was no heart beat, there was no bleeding at all. 3 hours before masuk OT, nurse masukkan ubat untuk bagi pintu rahim terbuka. I was called to the OT room at 4.30 pm. Time tue baru bleeding, banyak sangat. Unfortunately, the crews needed to attend to the more urgent case, a caesarean operation. So nurses tolak balik masuk wad & they said they will attend to me shortly since bleeding dah banyak sangat. 7.20 pm, I was called again to the OT room. The procedure amik masa tak lama, but saya tersedar dari lena yang panjang itu around 8.40 pm. After that, kena puasa lagi 6 hours. Laparnya, Allah jer yang tahu....Alhamdulillah, semuanya selamat....

The following day, I went back home. The next appointment will be on the 4th of March 2009. For the time being, berpantang tanpa anak. MC for 2 weeks till 20th of January 2009.

Thanks to everyone, the doctors, nurses yang bagi semangat....Million thanks to my dearest hubby yang amat memahami....Thanks my mum & grandma sebab masak etc untuk orang berpantang....Thanks to my in-laws yang datang dari jauh visiting us.

7 Januari 2009 dalam kenangan....


Anonymous said… strong ye..beratnya dugaan yg awak lalui..berat mata memandang (membaca) berat lagi bahu yg memikulnya..

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