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Happy birthday Fida & Aishah....

I really hope that Fida & Aishah will read this entry - especially dedicated to them. I do not prefer sending wishes through facebook or friendster (although I always use the medium) because sometimes it hangs in the middle of posting something etc .The internet connection in Malaysia is not so good, and sometimes facebook and friendster cramps with lots of users (I assumed la since payah nak bukak)....

To Fida & Aishah - Happy Birthday Sweet - 28.
May Allah Bless you always, may all your wishes will come true.

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to Fida & Aishah,

Happy birthday to you....


Cik Pidda said…
maya, dat is so so sweet of you to dedicate an entry to us..:)
nways, thanks so much for your thought. really appreciate that!

hope u're doing good and may all of our wishes will come true, someday...InsyaAllah...
MayaEnd said…
Thank you Fida. Doa2kan yer....
Anonymous said…
upsss!!!!!!!!wow..this is really sweet of u maya..thanks a lot..still ingat ur bday jgk..3/2..ashir 3/ 4/3..

nways..i wish u all d best..insyallah doa2 kite semua akan dimakbulkan.amin!
Anonymous said…
eh la aishahyg tulis komen di atas..tuan pnye badan umo 28thn semlm..uhuhhu
MayaEnd said…

Lama betul kita tak jumpa kan? Bila la kita dapat kumpul ramai2 lagi....Mesti banyak story punya kan?

Semoga apa yang kita semua cita2kan akan tercapai, insya-Allah.
Anonymous said…
Maya,kasi address.

MayaEnd said…

118, Jalan Kempas 7,
Taman Kempas Indah 1,
09000 Kulim,
Kedah Darul Aman.
Anonymous said…
ok.thanks maya

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