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July & August Updates.....

Nothing special....I'm in the middle of my data collection process....Hope that everything goes well....

My elder bro, Mu'izz recently dapat baby girl on the 10th of July....Umaymah Aliyah (rasanya betul kot spelling - tapi bunyinya lebih kurang macam tue la)....Comel, biasa la baby girl mmg comel (baby boy pun comel gak ;oD)....Congrats to my bro & sis-in-law....Semoga bertambah ceria keluarga yang dah sememangnya ceria ;oD Aqiqah was held on the 18th but we did not attend it - we were attending another special event at KL (my hubby suka sangat event nie - apa dia - jap lagi I mention).

The special event was Manchester United Football Club visits to Malaysia....My hubby is one of the MU die-hard fans (or in Malay - kipas susah mati) yang mana dia telah berusaha sedaya-upaya membeli tiket friendly match with the training pass. So since he bought my ticket too, I was among the crowd at Bukit Jalil National Stadium. Macam tak caya kan? Tapi itulah hakikatnya. The training day was okay - not too many people since it was Friday & not everyone can have the training pass. However, on the next day - it was a disaster for me. I keep on reminding myself - this gonna be the first & also the last time I'll be joining this sort of event. The were thousands of people but that's okay because nama pun event besar - so takkan takde orang attend plak kan. But the most disappointing was - people keep on pushing other people sebab berebut-rebut. Adegan tolak-menolak is everywhere - nak masuk stadium, nak keluar stadium, nak masuk LRT station, nak naik LRT - boleh dikatakan semua la....I hate that kind of behavior. Luckily my other half memang protective, so dia la yang dok cover myself dari ditolak. Semua macam tak sabar esp. the teenagers - tak respect orang lain, women with kids pun diorang tolak jer....Nama jer kita nie Muslim tapi tak menunjukkan yang kita nie Muslim. Kat OZ dulu tak pernah berebut-rebut macam nie - walaupun diorang ramai yang bukan Muslim....

Back to the event - memang best la tengok players MU live. My hubby was enjoying himself - took a lot of pics.

Well, masih macam biasa....I'm not very happy with my survey's response rate - very low....Need to think of other method too to speed up the data collection process....Pastu, jadi malas giler....Tak tahu kenapa....

15th of August - my sister-in-law's engagement day....Thank you very much to Asni - cupcakes yang cantik + menarik + best la (itu jer yang mampu aku sponsor) pastu mini cheese tart & mini muffin yang delicious + yummy....My hubby jadi photographer....Well, everything went well as planned, except rombongan lelaki sampai lewat - lapar la tunggu (mak mertua suruh makan dulu tapi memang perangai aku - tak suka makan selagi yang wajib tak settle + kalau boleh biar yang diraikan makan dahulu ;oD )....Congrats my SIL for the engagement. Photos? Of course kat my hubby's site....Then right after majlis - we went to Alamanda, Putrajaya (outing session with my sis) & had dinner @ Taman Warisan - pekena Roti John yang sedappppp....

22nd of August - the first day of Ramadhan....Wishing everyone a happy Ramadhan al-Mubarak....Semoga aku tak malas & bertambah rajin study....Semoga Ramadhan tahun ini akan jadi lebih baik dari tahun yang berikutnya....


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