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Perjalanan masih jauh....

This entry will be in Malay + English = Manglish - so boleh tulis panjang-panjang sikit. If Hafiz AF ada lagu Masih Jelas, I do have a song "Masih Jauh"....Apa yang jauh? Perjalanan hidup inilah yang masih jauh, tak jelas & kabur....Kena banyak bersabar dalam menempuhinya....Sebaik-baik manapun perancangan kita, He is the best planner. Kita boleh merancang, tapi Dia yang menentukan. Berfalsafah plak aku pada hari Jumaat yang penuh barakah nie....

I'm at Toyota Service Prai when I'm writing this entry. Waiting for my Vios to be serviced again - this time ganti alarm system + rear absorber yang leaking (both are still under warranty) + complaint on last service - break still bunyi bising biler ditekan & last service kata dah repair. Well, it is not easy to maintain a car (what happened when we have more than one car?)....

On our wedding anniversary, I had a meeting with my supervisor. Well, the meeting took almost 1 hour +++, as usual. He pushed me to complete my study this year, which means that I have to make sure the thesis is ready by June. Time is pushing me now. Two chapters more to be drafted, five chapters are in ongoing review with him. A bit tense but luckily all the people around me are very supportive especially my other half. So this year anniversary celebration - we had dinner @ Nasi Tomato Abang, Alor Star. We managed to have an early celebration two weeks ago @ Tanjung Bungah Beach Hotel - same place as last year. The only different thing took place this year was we attended BBQ dinner with two other families - my elder bro with his family & my sis - Kak Lang & her family. The dinner was superb - we were very happy enjoying the dinner time together.

Masa kian suntuk, kerja makin banyak. I have to plan my daily activities properly to meet the demand. Ada perkara yang kita tak boleh simply omit - such as helping my mum prepare food etc. Ada perkara yang boleh ditangguhkan. Ada banyak perkara yang perlu difikirkan + diselesaikan secepat mungkin. Giving priority to something very important is crucial for me now. Please pray that I can face everything dengan tenang, insya-Allah.

After five years of being married, we always pray that we will have a baby soon. Dah sampai masanya, dah lama sebenarnya cuma belum rezeki kami lagi. My mum selalu kata, lepas habis study nie insya-Allah (nak pujuk la tue, hehehe). But when I think of it again, ada betulnya kata mak tue. Sebab aku bukannya jenis yang boleh handle everything in one time. Just imagine if kami ada anak, aku tengah study & tension, kesian kat anak kami kan? So aku bersyukur dengan apa yang kami ada buat masa nie. He knows what's the best for us at now. Tapi kami tak pernah jemu mengharap rezeki daripada-Nya. Masanya akan tiba, insya-Allah.

Aku sentiasa doakan yang terbaik buat semua. Ya Allah, hindarilah aku dan keluarga daripada perasaan hasad dan dengki sesama manusia. Peliharalah kami semua, tetapkanlah iman kami semua supaya sentiasa berada di jalan-Mu. Jauhilah kami semua dari azab api neraka-Mu. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.


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