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Pink for a Girl

The title for this entry is part of the book title that I'm reading now, besides two other books that I mentioned in my previous entry. Got this book yesterday, bought through At first, I wanted to buy "The Stork Club" by Imogen Edwards-Jones and it is common for to suggest another book which is realated to the book that I intended to buy. Well, let me share some description of the book, taken from

Product Description
This emotionally honest account of one woman's experience of unexplained infertility will strike an emotional cord with the one in six couples that experience fertility problems. The book will help to promote discussion between partners who are finding it difficult to name their feelings surrounding their own infertility. It will also prove invaluable for the friends, family, doctors and therapists of those couples; people who may have no idea of the depth and complexity of emotions surrounding the issue. "Pink for a Girl" is sometimes funny, sometimes sad, always real.

From the Author
Why did I write my book – Pink for a Girl? My book started life as a diary: Somewhere for me to download when I felt overwhelmed by my whole experience of trying – and failing - to have a baby. Somewhere for me to try and make sense of my feelings, to try and regain some semblance of control over the unexpected direction my life was taking. Several exercise books later, I realised that my story could potentially help other women: Women who would love to have children but were experiencing problems. Women who were trying to find a way through the, often, dark and lonely maze of involuntary childlessness. Women who could do without reading another sob story about infertility that ended with ‘and imagine my delight when I realised I was pregnant.’ Threads within the book: At its most fundamental level, Pink for a Girl is a story about coming to terms with unexplained infertility. Pink for a Girl is also a story about creating your own happy ending – and realising that even though life is seldom perfect, it can still be fantastic. Please visit my blogspot:

Melayan perasaan la kejap dengan membaca buku ini....Happy reading....


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