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The Incredible Hulk

We watched this movie last nite at TGV The Mines. There were a lot of people since yesterday was the first screening day of this excellent movie. It was superb.... I enjoyed this movie very much (although action movies are not my passion, but I can still enjoy it). My other half loves this movie very much. This is the first time we watched movie at TGV, we normally watched movies at GSC. The disadvantage: we do not prefer the chairs - it is not comfortable. GSC (Alamanda, I've been to this one and this cinema was the first cinema in Malaysia that I've been into - after we got married - I've never been to cinema before). The first time - during our first wedding anniversary (050506) at South Bank Cinema, Brisbane and we watched MI3.

Back to the discussion of GSC and TGV. The chairs are more comfortable at GSC (Alamanda) and not many people are there too. The ticket price is the same. However, we decided to watch this movie at TGV The Mines because the screening times at GSC Alamanda is not suitable for us or maybe for many other Muslims that observed the Maghrib prayer. Of course we want to pray before watching the movie but the screening time sometime is scheduled on 7.35 pm or 7.45 pm, which is 10 to 20 minutes after the time that we are allowed to pray the Maghrib prayer. So this is not convenient since the cinema is not next to the praying room and it is a bit far from it (I'm talking about GSC at Alamanda Putrajaya). Maybe GSC's admin should take note about this. There are a lot of people taking turn to pray at the prayer room so it will take quite sometime too (congested/crowded especially for Maghrib prayer since the time for this prayer is very short compared to the other prayer time). The screening times can be scheduled to accommodate people who want to perform the prayer (the prayer is compulsory to Muslims except for those with some reason that is permitted in our religion).

Okay, let me share some synopsis of The Incredible Hulk movie (taken from the GSC's website):

Scientist Bruce Banner desperately hunts for a cure to the gamma radiation that poisoned his cells and unleashes the unbridled force of rage within him: The Hulk. Living in the shadows--cut off from a life he knew and the woman he loves, Betty Ross--Banner struggles to avoid the obsessive pursuit of his nemesis, General Thunderbolt Ross, and the military machinery that seeks to capture him and brutally exploit his power. As all three grapple with the secrets that led to The Hulk's creation, they are confronted with a monstrous new adversary known as The Abomination, whose destructive strength exceeds even The Hulk's own. To stop it, one scientist must make an agonizing final choice: accept a peaceful life as Bruce Banner or find heroism in the creature he holds inside--The Incredible Hulk.

Or you can always go to the Official Site of this Movie. We would say - Highly Recommended. How many stars given? Of course, 5 out of 5!!! Happy watching....


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