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John Grisham's Novels

I'm a big fan of John Grisham since I was 17 years old. It happened unexpectedly (I fall in love with his novels), during my long vacation after the SPM exams - while waiting for the results. My mum borrowed some English novels from the library, hoping that by reading the English novels my English proficiency will be improved. It does, thank you mum and it also makes me fall in love again and again to John Grisham (to his novels, to be exact, not him okay). The first novel that I read was The Client (if I'm not mistaken).

Not long after reading "The Client", I watched the movie (adapted from the novel). My dad also watched the movie and he said he adored the main kid character of the movie - the kid is brave and brilliant. I thought the same too. We also watched "A Time to Kill" (movie) and it was fascinating. At that time I haven't read the novel yet.

The first John Grisham's novel that I bought was "The Chamber" and the second one was "The Brethren" (I used my scholarship money for that). The English novels are quite expensive compared to the Malay novels (in Malaysia). Since then, I started collecting his novels. When I was in Australia (Brisbane), I managed to buy the second hand novels (it is cheaper and in a good condition). By doing this, my dream of having all his novels will come true. Yeah, it will one day.

And yesterday.... My dream is not just a dream anymore. My hubby bought me a copy of "Playing for Pizza" at MPH Alamanda. I had all the novels now. What I need to do is putting all the novels together in one shelf. I'm a bit worry because sometime my sisters borrowed the novels and put it somewhere else (I might have loose some of it - oh no, really hope that there is no such thing). I have to search for it. I'll double check the boxes (shipping from Brisbane - all my stuffs including the novels). I bought "The Appeal" and "The Innocent Man" at Brisbane too (the new copy). Hope that I have everything in a good condition (except for "A Painted House" - someone accidentally made it wet but the damaged is under control - it still can be read).

Right now, I'm reading "Playing for Pizza". I'll share with all of you the list of John Grisham's novels:

A Time To Kill (1989)
The Firm (1991)

The Pelican Brief (1992)

The Client (1993)

The Chamber (1994)

The Rainmaker (1995)

The Runaway Jury (1996)

The Partner (1997)

The Street Lawyer (1998)

The Testament (1999)

The Brethren (2000)

A Painted House (2001)

Skipping Christmas (2001)

The Summons (2002)

The King of Torts (2003)

Bleachers (2003)

The Last Juror (2004)

The Broker (2005)

The Innocent Man (2006)

Playing for Pizza (2007)

The Appeal (2008)

I've also watched all the movies (as far as I'm concerned) adapted from John Grisham's novels such as The Pelican Brief, The Client, A Time To Kill, The Chamber, The Runaway Jury, The Rainmaker, Skipping Christmas etc. Of course, reading the novels are more interesting (you can try to imagine what happened next by reading from one chapter to another chapter). Reading is fun, watching movie is also fun but I prefer reading.

Among the novels, my favorite is "The Pelican Brief". I don't really know why but "The Pelican Brief" for me is full of action. The novel itself contains full of action - anything can happened and what's next. It keeps you reading because you want to know how it ends. I love it very much. I've watched the movie (adapted from the novel) but the movie for me is considered as less excitement compared to the novel itself. The second in my list is "The Appeal". Although it is a "fiction" novel, I think that in reality, this kind of things happened and we deal with it.

In summary, I love all John Grisham's novels.


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