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4th Anniversary....

Dah lama tak update blog nie, too busy....Masih terasa penat dengan my sis's wedding, penat dengan tugasan harian....Lately, tak sihat sebab selsema sikit....

Alhamdulillah, syukur sangat kepada Yang Maha Esa sebab masih diberikan kesempatan menyambut ulangtahun perkahwinan kami yang keempat....050509 adalah our 4th wedding anniversary and we went to Tanjung Bungah Beach Hotel to spend our time together....Kira macam honeymoon la, memang always in honeymoon mood sebenarnya....Makin lama makin sayang kan? ;oD

Sempat ke Gurney Plaza - dah lama tak ke situ. Last time was 7 years ago - teringat zaman kat uni, nak belikan handbag kat mak (ayah minta tolong) so time tue redah naik bas ke Gurney Plaza with Aida & Yus (rindu saat-saat kat USM, especially time spent with Aida, Yus & Azilah)....Ok, berbalik kepada what we did on our anniversary day - planned nak watch movie tapi movie yang we wanted to watch ada problem sikit (GSC sistem problem). Plan nak tengok "He's Just Not That Into You"....Ada cerita lain tapi semua action movies so kureng sikit (actually my hubby suka tengok action movies)....Dinner - my hubby belanja kat Secret Recipe. What else? I bought several novels (6 to be exact) + one motivation book. We went to three bookstores - MPH @ Gurney, Borders & Popular @ Queensbay Mall....Habis duit beli buku jer....Buku apa yang dibeli? Wait for my next entry....

To all yang send wishes - facebook, sms etc....Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart...Doa-doakan kami, semoga dipermudahkan semuanya dan dimurahkan rezeki untuk menimang cahaya mata....

To my other half @ Chepok, to the love of my life. Thank you very much for always be by my side, thank you for your understanding, thank you for caring, thank you for everything....I LOVE YOU SO MUCH....


Miss BumbleBee said…
congrats maya on ur anni.

insyaallah dipermudahkan zuriat kelak

take care.

xclassmate A2

MayaEnd said…


Take care too...

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