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To Do....

There are several things to do before 22nd June 2008. I'm quite busy now with the registration preparation, with everything else too. I did the medical check-up yesterday but the full results (especially some of the tests needed on my urine and blood) are not ready yet. The staff told me to contact Pusat Rawatan Islam Az-Zahrah tomorrow (Wednesday) to confirm whether the remaining results of the blood and urine tests are ready or not before I can come to collect it (must see the doctor again). Alhamdulillah, so far so good. My chest x-ray looks good, no drugs detected in my urine etc.

UUM new postgraduate registration will be on the 22nd June (Sunday). Before the registration, I need to fill in several forms, prepare the original copy of all the certificates needed by them (academic transcripts etc.). I also need to obtain the financial affidavit from my sponsors and the letter of release from my organization. I really hope that I'll manage to settle these two important things this week. I'll be on leave next week (19 & 20th of June) in order to give me enough time to go back to Kulim, Kedah and prepare everything before the registration.

The list goes on....
  1. Pack all the stuffs - we need to move out of the house by the end of this month
  2. Prepare my PhD works in Chapters - 1, 2, and 3 (that's really hard to do)
  3. Update my EndNote (references list)
  4. Organize my documents - USBs, hard disc, etc.
  5. Farewell party - I should have one esp. with my office mates (Nana & Dell)

There are several other things to do, I have not list them all yet. Will update again. Please pray for me kay.... I love you all...


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